
CCFP provides services in tasks as small as facilitating a half-day team planning event, or as large as working with you to design and implement a comprehensive sector-wide multi-stakeholder climate action process.

We welcome partnerships to do strategic thinking and action with your group on how these tools could strengthen or scale up multi-partner or multi-stakeholder climate action.

To give you more of a sense of what CCFP could do with your organization, our work is organized in three sets of tools, described in three one-page brochures. All three support climate action planning and implementation but at different scales:

What scale are you working on now?

  1. If you wish to engage stakeholders in a particular geographic region, or engage a whole sector, for example: Buildings; Forests; Agriculture; Energy Sectors; then tools for Multi-Stakeholder Facilitation and Change Process could be the most effective way to build collaborative and bold climate action.
  2. If your area of work has potential momentum, but there is a need to codify and organize multiple promising initiatives into manageable, fundable, discrete projects with measurable outcomes, then have a look at the Brochure on Results Based Planning and Management.
  3. If on the other hand, your focus is on your own project or program, or, your project is just getting started, then have a look at the Brochure on Support to Teams, Organizations and Projects: it may have some pieces that you need.

The entry points for mobilizing engagement and strengthening results are different in each situation. Please feel free to contact us to discuss (at no cost) your work and what might work best, and what we could offer!

CCFP is operating as a Social Purpose Enterprise. Costs will need to be covered on a fee for service basis. Flexible rates. Proposals for sponsorship welcome. Please contact us to learn more about what we could do for you and to discuss your specific requirements.

CCFP Brochures:

Brochure – Multi-Stakeholder Facilitation and Change Process [PDF]
Brochure – Results Based Planning and Management [PDF]
Brochure – Support to Teams, Organizations and Projects [PDF]